lunes, 16 de septiembre de 2024

Professional Certification in Business

New Certifications for Managers - Accredited Programs
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Global Academy of Finance and Management ®  

In This Issue

1. New Certifications
2. Requirements
3. Accreditation
4. New Training
5. Free Newspaper
6. Books
Email Your Qualifying Resume for Certification  to

Business Certification 

The GAFM ® offers certificaions in business to qualified professionals who have taken courses and exams.


The GAFM is the first USA certification body to be EU and 21001  Accredited and ISO 29990 Education Certified.  


Allied with 1000 Business Schools Worldwide

The GAFM is the first certification body to have a certification standards agreement with business school accreditation agencies. 

ACBSP GAFM Agreement



We offer professional designations and certifications to those who complete accredited exams and courses from top accredited business schools worldwide under legal agreements.

You may be pre-qualified under the legal rules.

Click Here to Apply

New Certifications from GAFM ®



The Accredited GAFM ® has several new certifications for members and candidates.

  1. ChFM Chartered Financial Manager ®
  2. AFA Accredited Financial Analyst ®
  3. AMA Accredited Management Accountant ®
  4. CWM Chartered Wealth Manager ®
  5. MMC Master Management Consultant ® 
  6. ChE Chartered Economist ®
  7. CIPM Certified International Project Manager ® 
  8. MFP Master Financial Planner ®
  9. CRA Certified Risk Analyst ®
  10. CTEP Chartered Trust and Estate Planner ®
  11. RBA Registered Business Analyst
  12. MPM Master Project Manager ®

Email Your Qualifying Resume for Certification  to

Click Here to Apply

Announcement - The GAFM International Board of Standards is the 1st Certification Body to earn TUV & ESQ Accreditation and become ISO 21001 Certified & ISO 29993 Certified or Educational Training Standards

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GAFM ®  Application Requirements for Certification Approval

1) Accredited Graduate Degree or Masters Degree
2) 3 Years of Experience
3) Agree to Ethics and Continuing Education Requirements.
4) Those with a CPA or Law Degree or PhD can receive a waiver for certain designations and certifications


Email Your Qualifying Resume for Certification  to

Under the ACBSP Accreditation Agreement, you may apply directly. Allied with 1000 Business Schools Worldwide - The GAFM is the first certification body to have a certification standards agreement with business school accreditation agencies. ACBSP GAFM Agreement

Email Your Qualifying Resume for Certification  to

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Accreditations of the GAFM ®

  1. IAO, QAHE and ELCBS Accredited
  2. Accredited in Europe - Not affected by BREXIT
  3. ISO 21001 Certified Education Body
  4. ISO 9001 Certified - Accredited Quality Management Program
  5. ACBSP Standards Recognition.  Accreditation Standards for Certification. 1st in the World to have standards alliance with USA Business Accreditation Body.
  6. ISO Accredited Training - Bildungsnorm ISO 29990 Certified for Training
  7. Previously accredited TUV and ESQ
  8. SIS Licensed
  9.  IAZ and IAO Accredited
  10. Arab Academy Accredited

Email Your Qualifying Resume for Certification  to

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Free Wealth Newspaper for Members

Magazine of Wall Street  

The GAFM ® owns the oldest  Financial Analyst Magazine. You can subscribe for free


New Books - Wealth Management Books 

Wealth Management Guides

Making Money - Guide to Investing - How You Can Be a BadAss Intelligent Investor and Wealth Manager: Unshakeable Life Changing Financial Strategies ... (Making Money Guide to Investing Series #1) 



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Financial Certification -  Media LLC
1670-F East Cheyenne Mtn Blvd
Box 293
Colorado Springs, CO 80906
Fax: 419-828-4928


About LINKS - Recognition * Requirements * Certification * Education




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Media LLC
1670-F East Cheyenne Mtn Blvd, Box 293 Colorado Springs, CO 80906

Importancia del Manual de Políticas y Procedimientos


Programa 2024 


Descargar temario sobre guía práctica


El Dominar la elaboración de manuales de políticas y procedimientos puede ayudar a una empresa a ser más eficiente, competitiva y adaptable, lo que contribuye a su éxito a largo plazo en un mercado cada vez más exigente.

1.- Beneficio de las políticas y procedimientos.
2.- Comunicación efectiva de procedimientos complejos
3.- El arte de la documentación clara, concisa y correcta.
4.- Pasos fáciles para escribir un documento perfecto
5.- Cuáles de las “viejas reglas” ya no aplican.
 6.- Cómo la gráfica afecta la legibilidad de su información.
7.- Los verdaderos riesgos de un documento mal escrito.

UN DIRIGIDO A: Ejecutivo, Jefe de Departamento o Área, Gerentes de las diferentes Áreas de tu empresa y estás encargado de la productividad de los Recursos Humanos.


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NUESTROS CLIENTES: Empresas como CAT, BIC, Grupo Posadas, General Motors, De Acero, John Deere; entre otros, ya se han certificado con nosotros.


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