lunes, 31 de julio de 2017
How are you?
My name is Anastasia (or shortly Nastya), and I�d love to know your name.
Do you visit this site oftentimes? I was hoping to talk to you in chat once but you left all of a sudden. Could you write me your address or send me a letter some day?
I believe we have a lot in common and talking to you will be much pleasure for me.
My email
Looking forward to getting your letter,
This stock is gonna go up 4 fold before the end of the week.
One of my best friends who happens to be employed at the largest firm in new york told me that I should really consider buying a specific stock today.
Without going into specifics he told me that it's going to at least quadruple in price this week.
It's a small company that's basically trading at rock bottom prices, and after digging a bit more into it I think that they are about to make a really massive announcement any day now.
If you can get in at between 7 and 10 cents in the next few minutes I really recommend you jump on it quickly. It's trading under the symbol q,s,m,g (just the letters without the commas). Type this in your account to buy it.
Don't waste any more time because before the day is over I think it will be much, much higher so now is your chance.
Best Wishes,
Alberta Bolton
This stock is gonna go up 4 fold before the end of the week.
One of my best friends who happens to be employed at the largest firm in new york told me that I should really consider buying a specific stock today.
Without going into specifics he told me that it's going to at least quadruple in price this week.
It's a small company that's basically trading at rock bottom prices, and after digging a bit more into it I think that they are about to make a really massive announcement any day now.
If you can get in at between 7 and 10 cents in the next few minutes I really recommend you jump on it quickly. It's trading under the symbol q,s,m,g (just the letters without the commas). Type this in your account to buy it.
Don't waste any more time because before the day is over I think it will be much, much higher so now is your chance.
Best Wishes,
Adela Morrow
viernes, 28 de julio de 2017
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Aqui estan sus vacaciones, solo llame
Aqui estan sus vacaciones, solo llame
jueves, 27 de julio de 2017
Mi nombre es Pablo y trabajo con productos de GPS para ubicación
de vehículos y flotas.
Estamos buscando distribuidores para nuestros productos de
rastreo de vehiculos.
Me gustaría saber si le interesa recibir información sobre el
producto y crear una empresa de monitoreo.
Estamos buscando distribuidores y revendedores. Empresas que
quieran proveer el servicio.
Además ofrecemos servidores para Email Marketing y Servidores
Windows en EEUU.
Con el PROFESIONAL KIT ud podrá comenzar su negocio de rastreo de
vehículos y diversificar su inversión.
Solicite una propuesta comercial para obtener más información en
Muchas gracias y saludos,
Tel: +1 305 4241 494
Whatsapp: +598 99 26 24 91
Skype: pablo.zacheo
Tenemos clientes en más de 100 países y 20 años de experiencia en
desarrollo de software y hardware de GPS.
Si esta propuesta no es para usted, por favor responder con la
palabra REMOVE en el asunto del correo, gracias.
Solo para empleados de Compañias
Solo para empleados de Compañias
miércoles, 26 de julio de 2017
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Solo para empleados de Compañias