jueves, 30 de octubre de 2014

¿Necesitas nuevos Clientes para tu Negocio o Empresa? Email Marketing es la solución

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 Plataforma de Email Marketing Profesional

Servidores Privados de Email Marketing con Estadísticas Online.

Con nuestra Plataforma de Servidores Dedicados de Email Marketing con Estadísticas Online podrás realizar tus campañas muy fácilmente:

Los emails se envían desde nuestros servidores, ingresas a la herramienta a través de la web con usuario y contraseña, cargas la base de datos, subes el diseño, configuras el envío y pones a enviar la publicidad, el sistema te da las estadísticas online, podrás ver la cantidad de emails enviados, los emails de los usuarios que abrieron la publicidad, los que se desuscribieron, los que hicieron click en el link de tu página, los emails rebotados, todas las IP´s se configuran con SPF, DKIM y DOMAINKEYS. 

Compra Segura por Paypal

Nuestros Servidores Dedicados de Email Marketing POWER MTA.

Son la solución definitiva para enviar correo masivo y evitar que los principales proveedores bloqueen nuestras IPs por exceso de mensajes, pero no es solo Rotar las IPs, este software ofrece mucho mas que esto y es lo que lo convierte en el arma secreta de los proveedores reconocidos mundialmente como MAILCHIMP, PURE360?S, TENEO, RelayCloud, PostMark, SenderSuite, etc, todos ellos son proveedores internacionales establecidos durante varios años, son los principales lideres en Email Marketing, todos y cada uno de ellos utilizan PowerMTA.

Con este software se pueden especificar directivas para que cada IP envié solo una cierta cantidad de email por hora y/o dia, permite especificar el numero de conexiones que la IP debe realizar al proveedor, permiteme balancear los envios de forma eficiente y evitar cuellos de botella en los sistemas de envió, esto quiere decir, que podemos ajustar el software para que por hora solo pueda enviar X cantidad de correos a Hotmail, podemos especificar otro numero de envios para Gmail, Yahoo, AOL, Terra, etc.

Conozca nuestras líneas de Servidores Power MTA

Servidores Email Marketing PRO PYME

Servidores Email Marketing PRO PYME

Tenemos los servidores que se ajustan a sus requerimientos de envíos. Proveemos configuraciones que van desde 100 Mil de envíos hasta Un Millón de correos mensuales. Conozca más aquí

 Servidores Email Marketing CORP POWER MTA

Servidores Email Marketing CORP POWER MTA

¿Necesitas enviar un mayor volumen?

Proveemos configuraciones que van desde Un Millón diario hasta 8 Millones de correos por día. Conozca más aquí

Nuestros Servidores de Email Marketing cuentan con las máximas garantías de entrada y penetración:

  • Marca Blanca (dominio personalizado y Logotipo del cliente).
  • Posibilidad de Crear Cuentas de Clientes para vender envíos a terceros.
  • Servidor Privado 100% para usted o su Negocio.
  • Rotador y Balanceador de IPs automático (PowerMTA)
  • Múltiples IPs (varia el numero de IPs según el servidor contratado)
  • Registro en Sender ID de Hotmail
  • Registro de SPF
  • Activación de DomainKeys
  • Registro de DNS inversas
  • IPs limpias (sin reportes de SPAM)


Oficina: +5255 4169 2087

email: info@socialsite.com.mx

 Usuario Skype: social.site

Aviso de Privacidad

Mensaje escrito intencionalmente sin acentos para facilitar su lectura en cualquier sistema de correo electrónico.

Este mensaje es enviado por medio de SocialMailing. Con respeto a las leyes nacionales e internaciones las cuales nos rigen y siendo respetuosos con la privacidad de su persona. Este envío no es considerado Spam, mientras se incluya la forma de ser removido.

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martes, 28 de octubre de 2014

Base de datos de Emails ISA

Bases de Datos, Software y Servicios de Email Marketing


Código Producto Western Union o
Paypal o
Transferencia Bancaria

Bases de Datos de México
73-0032 Base de Datos de Emails ISA México Corporativos Agosto 2014
330.000 emails de empresas con dominios corporativos
USD 49 USD 53
73-0028 Base de Datos de Emails ISA México Julio 2014
2.1 millones de emails de empresas y particulares
USD 45 USD 50
73-2001 Base de Datos ISA de PYMES de México 2014
30.300 registros con datos completos:
Empresa, Puesto, Nombre, Telefono, Fax, Domicilio, Colonia, Localidad, Estado, Código Postal, Email
USD 45 USD 50

Bases de Datos de Emails Internacionales
73-0015 Bases de Datos de Emails ISA Internacionales 2014
36 Paises - 15 Millones de emails
USD 196 USD 210
73-0030 Bases de Datos de Emails ISA Latinoamérica 2014
19 Paises de Latinoamerica - 8.7 Millones de emails
USD 140 USD 150

Bases de Datos por Estado
73-0025 Base de Datos de Emails ISA México-DF 2014
75.000 emails de empresas y particulares
USD 30 USD 35
73-0027 Base de Datos de Emails ISA México-Sonora 2014
17.000 emails de empresas y particulares del estado de SONORA
USD 45 USD 50

Bases de Datos Especiales
73-2003 Bases de Datos ISA US SMALL BUSINESS 2014
15 millones de comercios (B2B) en Estados Unidos, organizados en 50 estados
Registros con datos completos incluyendo Email
Formato CSV
USD 630 USD 699
73-0021 Base de Datos de Emails ISA España Empresarial T20 2014
740.000 emails de empresas
USD 100 USD 120

Software ISA Email Packer
Divide listas de emails en archivos menores por cantidad de emails
Limpia comas, comillas o el caracter que desee
Limpia spamtraps, quejosos y cualquier lista de exclusión
USD 35 USD 40

Servicio de envio de emails
73-3150 Super Server Plan LAT-150K
Envio a 150.000 emails en América Latina y Europa
USD 90 USD 100
73-3490 Super Server Plan LAT-490K
Envio a 490.000 emails en América Latina y Europa
USD 270 USD 290

Servicio de consultoria y soporte
73-4001 Instalación de Mailer con Escaner de SMTP abiertos
Servicio de configuración y soporte de sistema de emailing multi servidor
USD 196 USD 210
73-4003 Instalación de Sistema de Emailing con Infraestructura MAILCHIMP
- programa instalado en su computador que permite administrar LOCALMENTE sus campañas
- SMTP con infraestructura MAILCHIMP
- 12.000 emails gratuiros por cuenta, SIN LÍMITE DE CUENTAS
- Mailer permite organizar PROJECTOS DE SMTP para trabajar con muchas cuentas SMTP en el mismo envio y de esa forma MULTIPLICAR LA CANTIDAD DE EMAILS GRATUITOS, en una misma campaña, EN EL MISMO ENVIO
- Estadísticas Online
- Cantidad ilimitada de servidores SMTP
- Funciona en proveedores de Internet con la puerta 25 bloqueada (usa puerta 587)

USD 270 USD 300


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por favor pulse aqui

ISA Email Marketing
Carlos Fabián Torre
Software Consulting

Rua Clemente Mariani 218 s301, Boca do Rio - Salvador - Bahia - CEP 41760-730 - BRASIL
Tel: +55 71 3017-3755 / 9676-9432 - Skype: chronskype

Time to make the trade that matters

Burkina Faso declared independence from France on 5 Aug 1960. Very different from the preceding models, but still bearing the Les Paul name. Some Aspect on the Hydraulic Design of Roman Aqueducts.
In the meantime Ania has woken up and engages in conversation with Wojtek who now is very affectionate to her. Montreal Victorias on March 7. He has been unable to play drums professionally since the late 1990s, due to chronic ankle health issues. Baron Cohen and shared a house with Winkleman. The extense press reporting about Streisand debuting at the top of the U.
The Regiment was housed at 84 Principale in Hull, moving to number 29 on the same street in 1922. Sunbeach has offered Webhosting practically from its genesis. This in turn causes the engine to stop as the fuel is not ignited in the cylinders.
AMC contracted with Volkswagen to buy tooling for the Audi 2. Catfish diagnostic kit for catfish species identification. Strait of Malacca, is found today in watery graves for sailing vessels lost to storms, piracy, battles, and poor ship handling. In 1976, the character of J.
Bene Gesserit to deeply understand a person's emotional state, and manipulate it. Many books highlight positive aspects in Islam. Tom Wolfe for his doctoral dissertation.
September and December 1984. Fossil remains of this widespread animal is known from Germany, northern Italy, and Thailand. Avery brought the pictures to the courthouse, and she left them on the desk.

Time to make the trade that matters

On the way there, she enjoys sexually tempting the men on the ship. If you take my life away, God will give you blood to drink. Although the degree of sequence similarity of these proteins is not very high they share a number of characteristics.
No meetings were held between the sides for more than 40 days. Dizzy Dean's contract at any cost. WCW contract in 1992, the title was declared vacant. Complications of Ultrarapid Opioid Detoxification with Subcutaneous Naltrexone Pellets. Bridgeforth Stadium Home Stand Enterance 07 2011.
Brenda faces a personal health crisis even as her relationship with Fritz takes a large step forward. In shooting mode, the balls fly in from all sides of the screen. Marlin once all the suspects are taken into court.
In 1961, she and her husband went to the Department of History at Indiana University. Also, she tells Mary hat she has the option to change her mind if the baby is a boy and Matthew loses his legacy. Additional transmitted colors may result from the absorption of any applied coatings. In addition to enlarging its Army and Navy, the US also sought to expand its air forces.
Fray Marcos de Cardona, a Hieronyimite monk, was the designer and gardener of the Royal Gardens. The rule against shaking hands is no longer generally observed. He was elected mayor twice, filling out four years in office.
Vikhe Patil Foundation, Ahmednagar. In central or local government organizations, benefits might include providing a better service to the community. After the competition ended with no clear winner the job was awarded to the Vesnins.

This is the one trade of a lifetime

October 28, 2014
Issue #325

Bell Street in Fremont. Each neuron receives as many as 15,000 connections from other neurons. Paris orchestras and musical ensembles. Venarius as an assassin to eliminate Cole. It offers most of 2 year courses, A. A batsman may leave the field without being dismissed. Stanley pit disaster and was one of the few who got out alive. None of the bottom end of the engine is interchangeable with these engines. His main attributes were long shots and excellent passing. Jay Cashman received the Alumni Award for Distinguished Service in 2004. Cadger's Loaney later changed its name to Sandown Road, Belfast. Human rights groups estimate that hundreds or thousands of them died during and after transit. Deputy Chief Minister was Dr Anugrah Narayan Sinha. Golitsyn estate gates 1. This logo is sourced and copyright by the University of Cambridge, Judge Business School. After graduation he briefly was a farmer and secretary. In Spain and Italy the vihuela was in common use by the late 15th through to the late 16th centuries. Hercules arrives back in Euboea and begins fighting Nikolos inside the Megalith. The relevant Code provisions have been substantially amended as cited in V. Nevertheless these eight completed every game of the season. Spencer of Chester, and a memorial to Baskervyle Glegg, who died in 1843, is by Sanders of London. I want you to pray that he comes and saves you. However, Ballard soon began displaying tendencies that would eventually make him one of the most detested owners in NHL history. He contributed all the stories and music on this production. El nino north american weather. Voice commands require training.Manhattan Club, NY, among others. The girls go off to parade to the Potbelleez playing live at a Levi's promotion. Allied objectives were to bombard Durazzo and attack Austrian ships in the harbor if there were any. Sutcliffe would later report from the game sites. It tastes quite good. After the Navy Island base was evacuated, other Patriots came to Detroit. The Principal Knot of the 47th Regiment is to meet at the Bunch of Grapes on Thursday the 29th inst. Rorig was dispatched to testify before the FDA. The outcome was partial success. Gaolang as the territories, but Cai was neither near Gaolang nor was it in Zhao. In PLAGUE Lana has a love interest, Sanjit, the boy with a horrible past. Translated into Latin, Greek and Hebrew, it has been copied, recopied, and printed in France and Italy in the sixteenth century. The death of Piisimi is unknown. A park and a magnificent rose garden were laid at Senar. The Hughes family house, Hughesovka, about 1900. Betancourt was elected president. He was noted for painting human figures and doing occasional finger painting. Ezhumattoor is well known for quaries.Li Shi storms to Mei Qi's house to look for An Ping but is chased away by Mei Qi who threatens to call the police. In his will, Zeppo left Bobby Marx a few possessions and enough money to finish law school. It should also be noted here that the Newport Beach Chamber receives no subsidy from the City. Merthyr Tydfil Cefn Viaduct. Print issues are available by paid subscription. March 22, 2009 on Ambrosia Parsley's facebook account. A Breviat of the getting of Ireland, and of the Decaie of the same. Andreas was educated at the Gymnasium in Erftstadt Lechenich and graduated in 1995. Susan Brody, Anne Enquist, George Gopen, Laurel Currie Oates, Teresa Godwin Phelps, Chris Rideout, Helene Shapo, and Chris Wren. The fraud thus worked for only three years. Star catalog at durantcars. Damart is the most well known brand of a company, now called Damartex, which originated in France in 1953. All grew up in Westwood. The band is proud of its diversity.In 2008 he floated a new company christened as Walkwater Media. He was survived by his wife Helen, who died in 1992 and is buried next to the general. During the war's demobilization phase, these sailors were finally administratively discharged at the unit. Don Valley Navigation also received a large investment. It was initially named the Public Schools Stadium. In 1961, the school moved to its current site in east Wichita. This Infobox enables the display of technical data on German locomotives, railbuses and other railway vehicles. Private Beharry carried out two individual acts of great heroism by which he saved the lives of his comrades. Kernel functions are inherent to the processes created, and there is but one user. Peruse Shelly's titles below to get a sense of this shift. In 1865 Langston was appointed general superintendent for refugees and freedmen for the Freedmen's Bureau in Kansas. October 2002, Review of Economic Studies, volume 69. Marconi's first camera was shown in 1938. Nothing came of it, but in 1985 Kanin adapted her unproduced screenplay for the stage.This is a not for profit program. Soldiers from the Bermuda Militia who served with the Caribbean Regiment. For Eijkman this was to prove a lucky event, as it enabled him to work in E. As a result, peronism and militant organizations worked together to topple it. Finally, the Congress approved the constitution on 7 February 1831. Road 982's intersection with U. In 1990, the College began accommodating female students. The results were 55. Classifications are judged according to their fundamental accuracy, whether they are convenient or not. Robert Alfers, who founded the magazine in 2002. In 2009, the parent organization changed its name to the Open Media Foundation, dropping Deproduction and Civic Pixel. Llywelyn of Powys Fadog and the two sons of Madog II would die. The school board has yet to decide whether to sell the station, or to turn in the license to the FCC for cancellation. It was named for Charles Goodsell, who donated land for the campus.Two shivlingas appeared on this occasion. Court won a record 24 of those titles during her career. The Lombards, soon arrived and did their utmost to integrate with the indigenous population. Members of the Academy and former laureates are also authorised to nominate candidates. Officer Commanding of the third battalion, which made up Cloneen, Claren and Caherlistrane. Holiday Press Room at usps. The Mets are obviously disappointed that a member of our organization has tested positive. Her services to the Labour Party were recognised by her being chosen as the Secretary of the Scottish Parliamentary Group. Oliver Stone Collection box set with the film on one disc and supplemental material on the second. After the armistice and end of the war he fled to Netherlands in 1918, receiving an eight year prison sentence in absentia. The movie is sort of an experiment for Sandler. There were 861 households out of which 40. One famous tradition is the pinning of money on the bride's dress. Fixed Roles and Situated Actions. An orthographic projection of geographic Oceania. All four Colts teams qualified for the semis, with First and Fourths losing narrowly in both grand finals. Gradually these early uprisings and Finnish government's interest in supporting them dwindled. She studied 1st standard to 5th standard in City Aided Elementary School. In addition, the availability of such data on the internet encourages global collaboration of labs. When I conjure these memories, they are of the present to me, because after all, the artist is a kind of enchanter in time. At the same time, the consistory insisted that Sunday school continue to use Dutch material. By October 1985 there was not money to continue operations and Jet 24 ceased to exist. One wall was dedicated to sculptures of goddesses, the other of animals. It does this a few more times, until about 45 minutes have elapsed. Erik Matti and produced by Imus Productions and Reality Entertainment in cooperation with Ignite Media Inc. Otley evenings and Sundays only. Jyotheesh K Jose, M. Cal would have to forfeit. In 1957, President Eisenhower nominated Cumming as Director of the Bureau of Intelligence and Research. Fonterra chief executive Andrew Ferrier. There are ovals of track for testing trains, and various electrifcation systems. Japanese fighters and dive bombers. If the developers take this too far, it can offset the original advantages of a generic system in the first place. Henrietta Wells, wife of the Reverend Lemuel H. More than a year passed when the call came inviting him to make a guest appearance on the show.
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lunes, 27 de octubre de 2014

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domingo, 26 de octubre de 2014

Base de datos de Emails ISA México 2014

Bases de Datos, Software y Servicios de Email Marketing


Código Producto Western Union o
Paypal o
Transferencia Bancaria

Bases de Datos de México
73-0032 Base de Datos de Emails ISA México Corporativos Agosto 2014
330.000 emails de empresas con dominios corporativos
USD 49 USD 53
73-0028 Base de Datos de Emails ISA México Julio 2014
2.1 millones de emails de empresas y particulares
USD 45 USD 50
73-2001 Base de Datos ISA de PYMES de México 2014
30.300 registros con datos completos:
Empresa, Puesto, Nombre, Telefono, Fax, Domicilio, Colonia, Localidad, Estado, Código Postal, Email
USD 45 USD 50

Bases de Datos de Emails Internacionales
73-0015 Bases de Datos de Emails ISA Internacionales 2014
36 Paises - 15 Millones de emails
USD 196 USD 210
73-0030 Bases de Datos de Emails ISA Latinoamérica 2014
19 Paises de Latinoamerica - 8.7 Millones de emails
USD 140 USD 150

Bases de Datos por Estado
73-0025 Base de Datos de Emails ISA México-DF 2014
75.000 emails de empresas y particulares
USD 30 USD 35
73-0027 Base de Datos de Emails ISA México-Sonora 2014
17.000 emails de empresas y particulares del estado de SONORA
USD 45 USD 50

Bases de Datos Especiales
73-2003 Bases de Datos ISA US SMALL BUSINESS 2014
15 millones de comercios (B2B) en Estados Unidos, organizados en 50 estados
Registros con datos completos incluyendo Email
Formato CSV
USD 630 USD 699
73-0021 Base de Datos de Emails ISA España Empresarial T20 2014
740.000 emails de empresas
USD 100 USD 120

Software ISA Email Packer
Divide listas de emails en archivos menores por cantidad de emails
Limpia comas, comillas o el caracter que desee
Limpia spamtraps, quejosos y cualquier lista de exclusión
USD 35 USD 40

Servicio de envio de emails
73-3150 Super Server Plan LAT-150K
Envio a 150.000 emails en América Latina y Europa
USD 90 USD 100
73-3490 Super Server Plan LAT-490K
Envio a 490.000 emails en América Latina y Europa
USD 270 USD 290

Servicio de consultoria y soporte
73-4001 Instalación de Mailer con Escaner de SMTP abiertos
Servicio de configuración y soporte de sistema de emailing multi servidor
USD 196 USD 210
73-4003 Instalación de Sistema de Emailing con Infraestructura MAILCHIMP
- programa instalado en su computador que permite administrar LOCALMENTE sus campañas
- SMTP con infraestructura MAILCHIMP
- 12.000 emails gratuiros por cuenta, SIN LÍMITE DE CUENTAS
- Mailer permite organizar PROJECTOS DE SMTP para trabajar con muchas cuentas SMTP en el mismo envio y de esa forma MULTIPLICAR LA CANTIDAD DE EMAILS GRATUITOS, en una misma campaña, EN EL MISMO ENVIO
- Estadísticas Online
- Cantidad ilimitada de servidores SMTP
- Funciona en proveedores de Internet con la puerta 25 bloqueada (usa puerta 587)

USD 270 USD 300


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por favor pulse aqui

ISA Email Marketing
Carlos Fabián Torre
Software Consulting

Rua Clemente Mariani 218 s301, Boca do Rio - Salvador - Bahia - CEP 41760-730 - BRASIL
Tel: +55 71 3017-3755 / 9676-9432 - Skype: chronskype